

Areas of Practice

ChiroPRactic Medicne

Chiropractic medicine is a noninvasive conservative approach to help treat people’s ailments. 

Treatments can be as simple as a chiropractic / osteopathic manipulation of your joints (Spine and extremities), to reading blood work and radiographic imaging, to wellness or medical consults and prescribing and implementing multiple therapies like Neuromuscular Reeducation so your muscles/joint communicate with your brain correctly, to Therapeutic Procedures that can deal with various forms of Physical Therapeutic Rehab, Ultrasound, and Interferential current.

A licensed Chiropractor is a Physician and Clinician that has taken all the required medical course and passed all 4 National Medical Board Exams that are required of a Physician.

Chiropractor vs Doctor of Osteopath & Medical Doctor:  Both MD/DO and DC take the same required classes in medicine to make clear and concise medical diagnosis with treatment(s). The differences between MD/DO & DC are: MD/DO mainly focus on pharmaceuticals for therapies and surgical if needed.  Chiropractors focus on Physical Rehabilitation for Therapies and Nutrition for over all Wellness.

MDs & DOs help maintain and save lives while Chiropractors help maintain and optimize lives.


Comprehensive Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services

At our clinic, we are dedicated to offering a holistic and dynamic approach to physiotherapy (also known as physical therapy) and rehabilitation, deeply rooted in a rich history of healing and wellness practices. Our mission is to empower our patients to achieve optimal health and functionality through personalized treatment plans that encompass the full spectrum of physical medicine.

Our services are founded on the principles of physiotherapy/physical therapy that have evolved from ancient times to the modern day, integrating traditional techniques with cutting-edge advancements in medical science. We specialize in a range of modalities, exercises, mobility strategies, and manual therapies designed to address the unique needs of each patient, with a particular emphasis on rehabilitating injuries to ensure that tissues function at their best, getting you back to your optimal level of activity as swiftly and safely as possible.

Our approach is patient-centered, focusing not just on the symptoms but on the underlying causes of discomfort and immobility. We utilize evidence-based practices to ensure the most effective treatment outcomes, incorporating:

-Tailored Exercise Programs: Crafting individualized exercise and rehabilitation plans that enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance, promoting overall physical health. These exercises are designed to rehabilitate injuries, allowing tissues to heal and function optimally, which is critical for getting you back to your daily activities and pursuits.

- Mobility Enhancement: Focusing on improving range of motion and functionality, enabling patients to achieve greater independence and quality of life.

- Manual Therapy: Utilizing hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles and joints, alleviating pain and accelerating recovery.

Our clinic is at the forefront of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, with a keen focus on innovation and the integration of technology to enhance patient care. From virtual reality sessions to wearable device monitoring, we leverage modern tools to track progress and adapt treatments as needed.

In addition to treatment, we emphasize the importance of prevention and health promotion. Our goal is not only to rehabilitate but also to educate and guide our patients towards healthier lifestyles, preventing future injuries and maintaining physical wellness.

Physiotherapy is a cornerstone of our services, encompassing a healthcare discipline focused on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of physical impairments, disabilities, and pain through therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and various modalities. It aims to restore, maintain, and maximize a patient's strength, function, movement, and overall well-being.

We are committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care. We believe in a partnership with our patients, where open communication and mutual respect drive the journey towards healing and recovery.

Let us help you harness the transformative power of physiotherapy to rehabilitate your injuries, improve your physical capabilities, and live your best life. Contact us today to begin your path to rehabilitation and wellness.

Functional Neurology

At our Neuro Performance Clinic, we aim to provide individuals with a clear and concise evaluation of their neurological health and performance, allowing for effective clinical applications to improve cognitive function and overall wellness. Whether you are recovering from a concussion, stroke, or simply looking to enhance your cognitive abilities, our functional neurologic assessments are tailored to meet your unique needs.

Our comprehensive 3-hour evaluation begins with a thorough assessment of your medical and social history, laboratory testing, and neurological and physical exams. To gain a deeper understanding of your brain's function and health, we utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, such as the WAVI EEG scan, which provides insights into brain function, ADHD, anxiety, depression, brain age, reaction time, and processing time. In addition, we utilize VNG/VOG (infrared eye recording headwear), posturography, neuro sensorimotor integrator, RightEye (computerized oculometry), neurocognitive sensory motor assessments, pupillary reaction testing, and computerized neurocognitive assessments.

Our functional neurologic assessments are performed for a variety of reasons, including baseline concussion testing, post-concussion testing, headaches/migraines, ADHD, dyslexia, sport optimization, and overall brain wellness. Our goal is to provide you with a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you achieve optimal neurological health and performance.


Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a cornerstone of our treatment approach. This is a natural and effective path to healing and wellness. Here's how our manual therapy can benefit you:

What Manual Therapy Does and Can Do for Your Body:

  • Alleviates Pain: Targets and reduces acute and chronic pain effectively.

  • Enhances Mobility: Improves joint movement and overall flexibility.

  • Reduces Stress: Offers significant relief from both physical and emotional stress.

  • Boosts Circulation: Enhances blood flow, promoting faster healing of tissues.

  • Detoxifies the Body: Aids in lymphatic drainage, helping remove toxins.

  • Strengthens Immunity: Improved circulation bolsters the body’s immune response.

  • Corrects Posture: Addresses musculoskeletal imbalances, improving posture.

  • Improves Neuromuscular Function: Enhances coordination and muscle function.

  • Reduces Inflammation: Helps in managing and reducing swelling and inflammation.

  • Promotes Overall Well-being: Contributes to a sense of holistic health.

Medicinal Effects of Manual Therapy:

  • Natural Pain Management: Offers a non-pharmacological alternative for pain relief.

  • Complementary Treatment: Works alongside other medical treatments to enhance recovery.

  • Holistic Approach: Addresses the root cause of discomfort, not just the symptoms.

  • Personalized Care: Each session is tailored to your body’s specific needs.

Different Forms of Manual Therapy Offered:

  1. Graston Technique: Innovative method for treating soft tissue injuries.

  2. Cupping Therapy: Ancient technique using suction for pain relief and relaxation.

  3. Myofascial Release: Focuses on relieving muscular tightness and shortness.

  4. Lymphatic Drainage: Encourages natural drainage of the lymph to promote detoxification.

  5. Strain Counterstrain: Relieves pain by positioning the body away from discomfort.

  6. Soft Tissue Mobilization: Breaks up scar tissue and improves range of motion.

  7. Sports Massage: Tailored for athletes, focuses on areas stressed by repetitive movements.

  8. Trigger Point Therapy: Targets specific points to relieve pain and improve functionality.

  9. Joint Mobilization: Gently moves joints to increase range of motion and reduce pain.

  10. Neuromuscular Therapy: Addresses postural and structural issues causing chronic pain.

  11. Active Release Techniques (ART): is a specialized form of manual therapy that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. It is particularly popular among athletes and those suffering from chronic pain due to overuse injuries. Here are key aspects of ART:

    What Is Active Release Techniques (ART)?

    1. Targeted Therapy: ART is designed to specifically target affected areas, often providing immediate relief from pain and discomfort.

    2. Combination of Examination and Treatment: The therapist uses hands-on evaluation to assess the texture, tightness, and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, and then treats abnormal tissues by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.

    3. Treats Overuse Conditions: Particularly effective for conditions resulting from overused muscles, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow.

    4. Unique to Each Individual: Treatments are customized to each individual's condition, ensuring a personalized approach to healing.

    5. Restores Normal Tissue Function: By breaking up adhesions, ART restores normal tissue function and range of motion.

    6. Non-Invasive and Drug-Free: ART offers a non-invasive and pharmaceutical-free approach to pain relief and healing.

    How Does ART Work?

    • Breaking Up Scar Tissue: Scar tissue (adhesions) can cause muscles to become shorter and weaker, resulting in decreased range of motion, pain, and reduced function. ART treats these conditions by breaking up this scar tissue.

    • Restoring Motion and Function: By treating the affected areas with specific movements and manual techniques, ART helps to restore the smooth movement of tissues and release any trapped nerves or blood vessels.

    • Active Patient Participation: Unlike some other treatments, ART requires active participation from the patient, who must perform specific movements while the practitioner applies pressure.

    Applications of ART:

    • Sports Injuries: Widely used by athletes to treat sports-related injuries and to improve sports performance.

    • Chronic Pain Management: Effective in managing chronic pain conditions caused by overuse or repetitive strain.

    • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Can assist in the recovery process after surgery by improving flexibility and strength.

    • Occupational Injuries: Useful for treating injuries related to repetitive work-related tasks.

    Active Release Techniques represent a highly focused and patient-specific approach to pain and dysfunction, making it a valuable component of modern physical therapy and sports medicine.

At Glynn Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and mobility through the therapeutic power of manual therapy. Book your session today and experience the transformative effects of our personalized care.


As an athlete, you know that physical and mental challenges come with the territory. From intense training sessions to competition stress and daily life balance, your body and mind are pushed to their limits. Unfortunately, this puts you at a higher risk of sustaining an injury. That's where a sports medicine doctor comes in.

Sports medicine is a specialized field that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries related to sports and physical activity. It's important to understand that not all doctors are created equal when it comes to treating sports injuries. Just as you wouldn't go to a urologist for eye problems, you need a physician who has advanced training and experience in sports rehabilitation and athletic enhancement.

At our clinic, we take pride in our expertise in sports medicine. We understand the intricacies of sports injuries and the unique challenges faced by athletes. That's why we conduct quantitative measurements and assessments of your physicality, physiology, and sensory system to create a customized therapy plan that optimizes the efficiency of your vascular, neurological, and musculoskeletal systems. This not only helps you recover from your injury but also helps prevent future injuries by addressing weaknesses and compensations in your body.

While many doctors and therapists may treat injuries, sports medicine specialists have the expertise to effectively rehabilitate and enhance your physical performance. We don't just treat the injury; we help you become a better athlete. So whether you're a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, our team is here to support you in achieving your goals and performing at your best. Don't let an injury hold you back - come see us for the specialized care you need to get back in the game.

Elite Care for Athletes: Integrating Chiropractic, Physical Medicine, Functional Neurology, and Sports Medicine

At our clinic, Dr. Glynn combines the holistic principles of chiropractic care, the targeted interventions of physical medicine, the cutting-edge approach of functional neurology, and the specialized focus of sports medicine to offer unparalleled healthcare for athletes and active individuals. This integrated approach ensures a full spectrum of care for enhancing performance, preventing injuries, and facilitating swift, effective rehabilitation. Here's what sets our athlete-centered care apart:

Expert Assessment for Athletes

Understanding the demands of athletic performance, Dr. Glynn conducts comprehensive assessments that go beyond conventional diagnostics. This includes evaluating biomechanical function, neuromuscular coordination, and overall physical and neurological health to identify predispositions to injury, areas of potential improvement, and strategies for peak performance.

Personalized Athletic Care Plans

Leveraging insights from chiropractic, physical medicine, functional neurology, and sports medicine, Dr. Glynn crafts personalized care plans aimed at meeting the specific needs of athletes. These plans are designed not only to address existing injuries but also to enhance performance, optimize neurological function, and prevent future injuries through a tailored combination of treatments and interventions.

Advanced Rehabilitation and Performance Optimization

Our clinic is at the forefront of sports rehabilitation and performance optimization, offering:

- Sport-Specific Rehabilitation: Utilizing advanced physiotherapy techniques alongside sports medicine strategies to ensure rapid and effective recovery from injuries, with a focus on returning to sport at or above pre-injury levels.

- Neurological Enhancement for Athletes: Applying principles of functional neurology to improve cognitive function, reaction times, and neuromuscular coordination, essential for peak athletic performance.

- Performance and Injury Prevention Programs: Incorporating targeted exercises, biomechanical assessments, and sport-specific training adjustments to enhance athletic ability and reduce the risk of injury.

Comprehensive Education and Support for Athletes

Dr. Glynn provides athletes with education on injury prevention, performance nutrition, and recovery strategies, including guidance on training regimens, ergonomic practices, and lifestyle modifications tailored to the demands of their sports.

Collaborative Approach to Athlete Care

Recognizing the multifaceted nature of athletic health, we foster collaboration with a network of healthcare professionals, including sports medicine specialists, physical therapists, and trainers. This ensures a holistic and comprehensive approach to athlete care, from performance optimization to injury rehabilitation.

Commitment to Athletic Excellence

By blending chiropractic care, physical medicine, functional neurology, and sports medicine, Dr. Glynn offers a dynamic and innovative approach to athlete health and performance. Our clinic is dedicated to supporting athletes in achieving their highest potential, ensuring not only a swift return from injuries but also a foundation for sustained peak performance and well-being.